Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Hendrik Borgmann

Telefon: (03381) 41 18 50
Facharzt für Urologie; Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU); Zusatzbezeichnung: Medikamentöse Tumortherapie
Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie
Telefon: (03381) 41 18 50
E-Mail: urologie@uk-brandenburg.de
Telefon: (03381) 41 18 50
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Veröffentlichungen zum Forschungs-Schwerpunkt Digital Health / Technologies
- First completely robot-assisted retroperitoneal nephroureterectomy with bladder cuff: a step-by-step technique. Sparwasser P, Epple S, Thomas A, Dotzauer R, Boehm K, Brandt MP, Mager R, Borgmann H, Kamal MM, Kurosch M, Höfner T, Haferkamp A, Tsaur I.World J Urol. 2022 Apr;40(4):1019-1026. doi: 10.1007/s00345-021-03920-1. Epub 2022 Jan 17.
- Smartglass augmented reality-assisted targeted prostate biopsy using cognitive point-of-care fusion technology. Sparwasser P, Haack M, Epple S, Frey L, Zeymer S, Dotzauer R, Jungmann F, Böhm K, Höfner T, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H. Int J Med Robot. 2022 Jun;18(3):e2366. doi: 10.1002/rcs.2366. Epub 2022 Jan 25.
- Potential for optimizing the perioperative care in robotic prostatectomy patients by adoption of enhanced recovery after surgery principles. Liakos N, Beyer B, Ohlmann C, Schoeb D, Wiesinger CG, Borgmann H. J Robot Surg. 2022 Apr;16(2):415-419. doi: 10.1007/s11701-021-01260-1. Epub 2021 May 29.
- Robotic surgery can be safely performed for patients and healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic. Sparwasser P, Brandt MP, Haack M, Dotzauer R, Boehm K, Gheith MK, Mager R, Jäger W, Ziebart A, Höfner T, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H. Int J Med Robot. 2021 Aug;17(4):e2291. doi: 10.1002/rcs.2291. Epub 2021 Jun 3.
- Telemedicine Online Visits in Urology During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Potential, Risk Factors, and Patients' Perspective. Boehm K, Ziewers S, Brandt MP, Sparwasser P, Haack M, Willems F, Thomas A, Dotzauer R, Höfner T, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H. Eur Urol. 2020 Apr 27. pii: S0302-2838(20)30323-7. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.04.055.
- Robot-assisted simple prostatectomy versus open simple prostatectomy: a single-center comparison. Dotzauer R, La Torre A, Thomas A, Brandt MP, Böhm K, Mager R, Borgmann H, Jäger W, Kurosch M, Höfner T, Ruckes C, Haferkamp A, Tsaur I. World J Urol. 2020 Mar 28. doi: 10.1007/s00345-020-03168-1.
- Struck JP, Siegel F, Kramer MW, Tsaur I, Heidenreich A, Haferkamp A, Merseburger AS, Salem J*, Borgmann H*. *contributed equally. Substantial utilization of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram in the prostate cancer community. World J Urol. 2018 Mar 9. doi: 10.1007/s00345-018-2254-2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Borgmann H*, Salem J*, Baunacke M, Boehm K, Groeben C, Schmid M, Siegel FP, Huber J. *contributed equally. Mapping the landscape of urology: A new media-based cross-sectional analysis of public versus academic interest. Int J Urol. 2018 May;25(5):421-428. doi: 10.1111/iju.13527. Epub 2018 Mar 8.
- Bruendl J, Rothbauer C, Ludwig B, Dotzler B, Wolff C, Reimann S, Borgmann H, Burger M, Breyer J. Accordance of Online Health Information on Prostate Cancer with the European Association of Urology Guidelines. Urol Int. 2018;100(3):288-293. doi: 10.1159/000487146. Epub 2018 Mar 7. .
- Salem J*, Borgmann H*, Baunacke M, Boehm K, Hanske J, Macneily A, Meyer C, Nestler T, Schmid M, Huber J. *contributed equally. Widespread use of internet, applications, and social media in the professional life of urology residents. Can Urol Assoc J. 2017 Sep;11(9):E355-E366.
- Salem J, Paffenholz P, Bolenz C, von Brandenstein M, Cebulla A, Haferkamp A, Kuru T, Lee CT, Pfister D, Tsaur I, Borgmann H, Heidenreich A. Websites on Bladder Cancer: an Appropriate Source of Patient Information? J Cancer Educ. 2018 Jan 8. doi: 10.1007/s13187-017-1316-2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Baunacke M, Groeben C, Borgmann H, Salem J, Kliesch S, Huber J. Andrology on the Internet: Most wanted, controversial and often primary source of information for patients. 2018 Mar;50(2).
- Paffenholz P, Salem J, Borgmann H, Nestler T, Pfister D, Ruf C, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Heidenreich A. Testicular Cancer on the Web-an Appropriate Source of Patient Information in Concordance with the European Association of Urology Guidelines? J Cancer Educ. 2017 Aug 4. doi: 10.1007/s13187-017-1249-9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hessam S, Salem J, Bechara FG, Haferkamp A, Heidenreich A, Paffenholz P, Sand M, Tsaur I, Borgmann H. Hidradenitis suppurativa gains increasing interest on World Wide Web: a source for patient information? Int J Dermatol. 2017 Jul;56(7):726-732.
- Salem J*, Borgmann H*, MacNeily A, Boehm K, Schmid M, Groeben C, Baunacke M, Huber J. *contributed equally. New Media for Educating Urology Residents: An Interview Study in Canada and Germany. J Surg Educ. 2017 May - Jun;74(3):495-502
- Gomez Rivas J, Rodriguez Socarras M, Patruno G, Uvin P, Esperto F, Dinis PJ, Roupret M, Borgmann H. Perceived Role of Social Media in Urologic Knowledge Acquisition Among Young Urologists: A European Survey. Eur Urol Focus. 2017 Jul 27. pii: S2405-4569(16)30168-7. (Journal wurde 2015 gegründet).
- Borgmann H, Katz MS, Catto J, Weight C, Kutikov A. Quantification of Urology-Related Twitter Traffic Activity through a Standardized List of Social Media Communication Descriptors. Urology Practice 2017. July; 4:349-54. (Journal wurde 2014 gegründet).
- Borgmann H, Kliesch S, Roth S, Roth M, Degener S. Feasibility and Efficacy of a Urologic Profession Campaign on Cryptorchidism Using Internet and Social Media. Urol Int. 2017;98(4):478-482.
- Borgmann H*, Rodríguez Socarrás M*, Salem J, Tsaur I, Gomez Rivas J, Barret E, Tortolero L. *contributed equally. Feasibility and safety of augmented reality-assisted urological surgery using smartglass. World J Urol. 2017 Jun;35(6):967-972.
- Salem J*, Borgmann H*, Bultitude M, Fritsche HM, Haferkamp A, Heidenreich A, Miernik A, Neisius A, Knoll T, Thomas C, Tsaur I. *contributed equally. Online Discussion on #KidneyStones: A Longitudinal Assessment of Activity, Users and Content. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 18;11(8):e0160863.
- Baunacke M, Groeben C, Borgmann H, Schneider A, Kliesch S, Huber J. Evaluation of the joint information platform : Information offered by German urologists. Urologe A. 2016 Jul;55(7):923-32.
- Borgmann H, Loeb S, Salem J, Thomas C, Haferkamp A, Murphy DG, Tsaur I. Activity, content, contributors, and influencers of the twitter discussion on urologic oncology. Urol Oncol. 2016 Sep;34(9):377-83.
- Borgmann H, Woelm JH, Merseburger A, Nestler T, Salem J, Brandt MP, Haferkamp A, Loeb S. Qualitative Twitter analysis of participants, tweet strategies, and tweet content at a major urologic conference. Can Urol Assoc J. 2016 Jan-Feb;10(1-2):39-44.
- Borgmann H, Woelm J, Nelson K, Gust K, Mager R, Reiter M, Schilling D, Bartsch G, Blaheta R, Haferkamp A, Tsaur I. Strategy of robotic surgeons to exert public influence through Twitter. Int J Med Robot. 2017 Mar;13(1).
- Borgmann H, Mager R, Salem J, Bründl J, Kunath F, Thomas C, Haferkamp A, Tsaur I. Robotic Prostatectomy on the Web: A Cross-Sectional Qualitative Assessment. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2016 Aug;14(4):e355-62.
- Borgmann H, DeWitt S, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Loeb S. Novel survey disseminated through Twitter supports its utility for networking, disseminating research, advocacy, clinical practice and other professional goals. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015 Sep-Oct;9(9-10):E713-7.
- Borgmann H, Wölm JH, Vallo S, Mager R, Huber J, Breyer J, Salem J, Loeb S, Haferkamp A, Tsaur I. Prostate Cancer on the Web-Expedient Tool for Patients' Decision-Making?. J Cancer Educ. 2015 Aug 4.
- Virtual and augmented reality in urology. Sparwasser P, Haack M, Frey L, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H. Urologe A. 2022 Feb;61(2):133-141. doi: 10.1007/s00120-021-01734-y. Epub 2021 Dec 22.
- A Systematic Review of the Use of Social Media for Dissemination of Clinical Practice Guidelines. Bhatt NR, Czarniecki SW, Borgmann H, van Oort IM, Esperto F, Pradere B, van Gurp M, Bloemberg J, Darraugh J, Rouprêt M, Loeb S, N'Dow J, Ribal MJ, Giannarini G; EAU Guidelines Office Dissemination Committee.Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Sep;7(5):1195-1204. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2020.10.008. Epub 2020 Nov 7.
- Sparwasser PM, Schoeb D, Miernik A, Borgmann H. Augmented reality and virtual reality in the operating theatre status quo und quo vadis. Aktuelle Urol. 2018 Dec;49(6):500-508. doi: 10.1055/a-0759-0029. Epub 2018 Dec 6.
- Borgmann H, Cooperberg M, Murphy D, Loeb S, N'Dow J, Ribal MJ, Woo H, Rouprêt M, Winterbottom A, Wijburg C, Wirth M, Catto J, Kutikov A. Online Professionalism-2018 Update of European Association of Urology (@Uroweb) Recommendations on the Appropriate Use of Social Media. Eur Urol. 2018 Nov;74(5):644-650. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.08.022. Epub 2018 Sep 1.
- Loeb S, Stork B, Gold HT, Stout NK, Makarov DV, Weight C, Borgmann H. Tweet this: how advocacy for breast and prostate cancers stacks up on social media. BJU Int. 2017 Oct;120(4):461-463.
- Beck A, Cebulla A, Salem J, Struck JP, Borgmann H. Twitter activity at the German Society of Urology congress #DGU16. Urologe A. 2017 Jan;56(1):77-79.
- Borgmann H, Salem J, Cebulla A, Ralla B, Busch J, Miller K. German Society of Urology harnesses social media : Hands-on, interaction, and discussions at the annual meeting. Urologe A. 2016 Jul;55(7):966-7.
- Schmidt S, Borgmann H. Interaktive Telemedizin : Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Praxis und Gesundheitsendpunkte. Urologe A. 2016 Apr;55(4):520-3.
- Borgmann H, Huber J, Miernik A, Salem J. Wearable Technologies for Urologists. Urologe A. 2016 Mar;55(3):398-400.
- Salem J, Borgmann H, Murphy DG. Integrating Social Media into Urologic Health care: What Can We Learn from Other Disciplines? Curr Urol Rep. 2016 Feb;17(2):13.
- Borgmann H, Salem J, Brandt MP, Probst K, Steiner E, Merseburger AS. UroEmergency - smartphone application for urological emergencies. Urologe A. 2015 Oct 10.
- Nestler T, Salem J, Borgmann H. GeSRU-StepS! - Urologic surgery teaching videos step by step. Urologe A. 2015 Sep;54(9):1291-3.
- Salem J, Paffenholz P, Nestler T, Borgmann H. Chances and risks of Facebook as communication tool in urology. Urologe A. 2015 May;54(5):726-9.
- Beyer B, Boehm K, Borgmann H, Janssen M. It starts with the novices: training curricula for robot-assisted surgery. Urologe A. 2015 Feb;54(2):259-60.
- Borgmann H, Kalogirou C, Salem J, Probst K. Social media - do's and don'ts. Urologe A. 2015 Jan;54(1):86-7.
- Borgmann H, Salem J, Arnold H, Wilisch J, Domeyer M. Smartphone applications for urological training. Urologe A. 2014 Jul;53(7):1061-2.
- Probst KA, Böhm K, Borgmann H, Beyer B. YouTube & Co: what is the importance of video portals in modern medicine?. Urologe A. 2014 Jun;53(6):888-9.
- Borgmann H, Wölm JH, Probst K, Salem J. Urology 2.0 - new social media in urology. Urologe A. 2013 Oct;52(10):1451-3.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
- High-Normal Preoperative Potassium Level Is Associated with Reduced 30-Day Morbidity and Shorter Hospital Stay after Radical Cystectomy. Borgmann H, Kamal MM, Metzger A, Dotzauer R, Fischer N, Sparwasser P, Jäger W, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Höfner T.J Clin Med. 2022 Feb 22;11(5):1174. doi: 10.3390/jcm11051174
- Phase 2 of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Urology: Ramping Up Surgical Caseload and Resident Training while COVID-19 Infections Decrease. Borgmann H, Boehm K, Brandt MP, Kamal MM, Mager R, Höfner T, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A.Urol Int. 2021;105(7-8):724-725. doi: 10.1159/000513738. Epub 2021 Mar 8. Article Format: Research Letter
- Pandemic Spread of COVID-19 Mutant Variants Will Facilitate Next-generation Sequencing Capacities for Personalised Medicine in Urologic Oncology. Borgmann H, Höfner T, Sasca D, Porubsky S, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Dotzauer R. Eur Urol. 2021 Jun;79(6):895-896. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.02.037. Epub 2021 Feb 25. Article Format: Research Letter
- Increased Severe Adverse Outcomes and Decreased Emergency Room Visits for Pyelonephritis: First Report of Collateral Damage during COVID-19 Pandemic in Urology. Borgmann H, Struck JP, Mattigk A, Wenzel M, Pilatz A, Kranz J, Weiten R, von Landenberg N, Spachmann PJ, Aksoy C, Haferkamp A, Boehm K.Urol Int. 2021;105(3-4):199-205. doi: 10.1159/000513458. Epub 2021 Jan 6.
- The PT2D-Score: a novel tool to predict complications and economic outcome after radical cystectomy. Kamal MM*, Borgmann H*, Metzger A, Schregel C, Nabar ND, Haack M, Jäger W, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Höfner T. *contributed equally. World J Urol. 2020 Mar 2. doi: 10.1007/s00345-020-03129-8.
- Borgmann H, Lallous N, Ozistanbullu D, Beraldi E, Paul N, Dalal K, Fazli L, Haferkamp A, Lejeune P, Cherkasov A, Gleave ME. Moving Towards Precision Urologic Oncology: Targeting Enzalutamide-resistant Prostate Cancer and Mutated Forms of the Androgen Receptor Using the Novel Inhibitor Darolutamide (ODM-201). Eur Urol. 2018 Jan;73(1):4-8.
- Borgmann H*, Musquera M*, Haferkamp A, Vilaseca A, Klatte T, Shariat SF, Scavuzzo A, Jimenez Rios MA, Wolff I, Capitanio U, Dell'Oglio P, Krabbe LM, Herrmann E, Ecke T, Vergho D, Huck N, Wagener N, Pahernik S, Zastrow S, Wirth M, Surcel C, Mirvald C, Prochazkova K, Hutterer G, Zigeuner R, Cindolo L, Hora M, Stief CG, May M, Brookman-May SD. *contributed equally. Prognostic significance of Fuhrman grade and age for cancer-specific and overall survival in patients with papillary renal cell carcinoma: results of an international multi-institutional study on 2189 patients. World J Urol. 2017 Dec;35(12):1891-1897.
- Borgmann H, Arnold H, Meyer CP, Brundl J, Konig J, Nestler T, Struck J, Salem J. Training, Research, and Working Conditions for Urology Residents in Germany: A Contemporary Survey. Eur Urol Focus. 2016 Dec 16. pii: S2405-4569(16)30177-8.
- Borgmann H, Bründl J, Huber J, Ruf C, Schagdarsurgengin U, Wullich B, Salem J. Prerequisites, skills and productivity of young academic urologists in Germany. Urologe A. 2017 Dec;56(12):1603-1610.
- Salem J*, Borgmann H*, Bründl J, Lausenmeyer EM, Lent V, Schroeder A, Heidenreich A. *contributed equally. Residents training in private practice : Conflicts between circumstances, willingness, and reality. Urologe A. 2016 Aug;55(8):1062-70.
- Borgmann H, Reiss AK, Kurosch M, Filmann N, Frees S, Mager R, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A. RENAL Score outperforms RENAL score outperforms PADUA score, C-index and DAP score for outcome prediction of nephron-sparing surgery in a selected cohort. J Urol. 2016 Sep;196(3):664-71.
- Borgmann H, Helbig S, Reiter MA, Hüsch T, Schilling D, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A. Utilization of surgical safety checklists by urological surgeons in Germany: a nationwide prospective survey. Patient Saf Surg. 2015 Nov 10;9:37.
- Borgmann H, Wagenlehner F, Borgmann S, Thon W. Multifunctional use of an operating theatre: is floor drainage posing an increased risk of infection? Urol Int. 2014;93(1):38-42.
- Borgmann H, Lenarz T, Lenarz M. Preoperative prediction of vestibular schwannoma's nerve of origin with posturography and electronystagmography. Acta Otolaryngol. 2011 May;131(5):498-503.
- Borgmann H, Wenzel M, Salem J. GeSRU Academics Awards 2017-prizes and awards for young academic urologists. Urologe A. 2017 Dec;56(12):1618-1622.
- Borgmann H, Schmidt S. Laparoscopic entry techniques. Urologe A. 2017 May;56(5):654-657.
- Borgmann H, Wenzel M, Salem J. GeSRU Academics Awards 2016 : Honoring achievements of young academic urologists. Urologe A. 2016 Dec;55(12):1615-1618.
- Borgmann H, Salem J. The network of young academic urologists GeSRU Academics : Update 2016. Urologe A. 2016 Oct;55(10):1368-1371.
- Borgmann H, Paffenholz P, Nestler T, Salem J. Benefits and risks of Twitter use for urologists. Urologe A. 2015 Jul;54(7):1023-4.
- Borgmann H, Schmidt S.Psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer. Urologe A. 2015 Jun;54(6):863-6.
- Borgmann H, Salem J. Researchers network kick-off GeSRU Academics. Urologe A. 2015 Mar;54(3):409-11.
- Borgmann H, Salem J. GeSRU Academics - network for young scientists in urology. Urologe A. 2014 Nov;53(11):1668-70.
- Borgmann H, Salem J, Borowitz R, Ruf CG, Schöne S. Regional for residents: German Society of Residents in Urology programs at regional urology congresses. Urologe A. 2014 May;53(5):739-40.
- Borgmann H, Vallo S, Ruf C, Schmidt A, Thon WF. Testicular manifestation of a transformed mycosis fungoides. Rare Tumors. 2014 Feb 17;6(1):5079.
- Global Change of Surgical and Oncological Clinical Practice in Urology during early COVID-19 Pandemic. Dotzauer R, Boehm K, Brandt MP, Sparwasser P, Haack M, Frees SK, Kamal MM, Mager R, Jäger W, Höfner T, Tsaur I, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H. World J Urol. 2020. In press
- Arnold H, Meyer CP, Salem J, Raspe M, Struck JP, Borgmann H. Work and training conditions of residents in urology in Germany : Results of a 2015 nationwide survey by the German Society of Residents in Urology. Urologe A. 2017 Oct;56(10):1311-1319.
- Salem J, Borgmann H. Short-term outcomes of the GeSRU Academics research network. Urologe A. 2016 Jan;55(1):78-80.
- Salem J, Paffenholz P, Nachite S, Sanatgar N, Borgmann H. Residents' program for the 2015 Congress of the German Society for Urology. Urologe A. 2015 Aug;54(8):1132-5.
- Bründl J, Schneidewind L, Salem J, Borgmann H. Regional for residents: GeSRU programs at regional urology meetings in 2015. Urologe A. 2015 Apr;54(4):558-9.
- Salem J, Necknig U, Borgmann H. Residents' schedule for the 2014 Congress of the German Society for Urology. Urologe A. 2014 Sep;53(9):1381-2.
- Schneidewind L, Borowitz R, Wullich B, Borgmann H. Clinical and laboratory visit programme for residents in urology. Urologe A. 2014 Apr;53(4):557-60.
- Necknig U, Borgmann H. Mentoring program - team approach for career planning. Urologe A. 2014 Feb;53(2):247-8.
- Boehm K, Beyer B, Schneidewind L, Borgmann H. Transrectal ultrasound in prostate cancer patients: what can we really see?. Urologe A. 2013 Dec;52(12):1712-4.
- Outcomes for Geriatric Urolithiasis Patients aged ≥80 Years Compared to Patients in Their Seventies. Mager R, Brauers C, Kurosch M, Dotzauer R, Borgmann H, Haferkamp A.Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Aug 25:S2405-4569(21)00219-4. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2021.08.004.
- The prognostic value of galactosylceramide-sulfotransferase (Gal3ST1) in human renal cell carcinoma. Porubsky S, Nientiedt M, Kriegmair MC, Siemoneit JH, Sandhoff R, Jennemann R, Borgmann H, Gaiser T, Weis CA, Erben P, Hielscher T, Popovic ZV.Sci Rep. 2021 May 25;11(1):10926. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-90381-6.
- Stage and Grade Migration in Prostate Cancer Treated With Radical Prostatectomy in a Large German Multicenter Cohort. Boehm K, Borgmann H, Ebert T, Höfner T, Khaljani E, Schmid M, Schulze-Seemann W, Weib P, Herden J.Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2021 Apr;19(2):162-166.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2020.12.004. Epub 2021 Jan 7.
- The timing of initial imaging in testicular cancer: impact on radiological findings and clinical decision making. Dotzauer R, Salamat A, Nabar ND, Thomas A, Böhm K, Brandt MP, Mager R, Borgmann H, Kurosch M, Hoefner T, Tsaur I, Hötker AM, Haferkamp A, Jäger W. Minerva Urol Nephrol. 2022 Feb;74(1):72-76. doi: 10.23736/S2724-6051.20.03877-1. Epub 2021 Jan 13.
- Contemporary role of palliative cystoprostatectomy or pelvic exenteration in advanced symptomatic prostate cancer. Surcel C, Mirvald C, Tsaur I, Borgmann H, Heidegger I, Labanaris AP, Sinescu I, Tilki D, Ploussard G, Briganti A, Montorsi F, Mathieu R, Valerio M, Jinga V, Badescu D, Radavoi D, van den Bergh RCN, Gandaglia G, Kretschmer A; as part of the EAU-YAU PCa Working Party.World J Urol. 2021 Jul;39(7):2483-2490. doi: 10.1007/s00345-020-03493-5. Epub 2020 Nov 1.PMID: 33135127
- Acceptance, Indications and Chances of Focal Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer: A Real-World Perspective of Urologists in Germany. Wenzel M, Borgmann H, Von Hardenberg J, Cash H, Welte MN, Bründl J, Hoffmann MA, Höfner T, Borkowetz A.J Endourol. 2021 Apr;35(4):444-450. doi: 10.1089/end.2020.0774. Epub 2020 Oct 21.PMID: 32935562
- To defer or not to defer? A German longitudinal multicentric assessment of clinical practice in urology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Harke NN, Radtke JP, Hadaschik BA, Bach C, Berger FP, Blana A, Borgmann H, Distler FA, Edeling S, Egner T, Engels CL, Farzat M, Haese A, Hein R, Kuczyk MA, Manseck A, Moritz R, Musch M, Peters I, Pokupic S, Rocco B, Schneider A, Schumann A, Schwentner C, Sighinolfi CM, Buse S, Stolzenburg JU, Truß MC, Waldner M, Wülfing C, Zimmermanns V, Witt JH, Wagner C.PLoS One. 2020 Sep 15;15(9):e0239027. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239027. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32931510
- Current practice patterns of perioperative cystectomy management in Germany: a questionnaire survey. Dressler FF, Dogan S, Hennig M, Frank T, Struck J, Cebulla A, Salem J, Borgmann H, Klatte T, Kramer MW, Hofbauer S. Aktuelle Urol. 2021 Feb;52(1):82-87. doi: 10.1055/a-1025-2523. Epub 2020 Jul 29.PMID: 32726815
- Treatment of Metastasized Prostate Cancer Beyond Progression After Upfront Docetaxel-A Real-world Data Assessment. Tsaur I, Heidegger I, van den Bergh RCN, Bektic J, Borgmann H, Foti S, Hunting JCB, Kretschmer A, Ploussard G, Tilki D, Gandaglia G, Dotzauer R; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party.Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Nov;7(6):1308-1315. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2020.06.018. Epub 2020 Jul 9.PMID: 32653263
- External Validation of the 2019 Briganti Nomogram for the Identification of Prostate Cancer Patients Who Should Be Considered for an Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection. Gandaglia G, Martini A, Ploussard G, Fossati N, Stabile A, De Visschere P, Borgmann H, Heidegger I, Steinkohl F, Kretschmer A, Marra G, Mathieu R, Surcel C, Tilki D, Tsaur I, Valerio M, Den Bergh RV, Ost P, Gontero P, Montorsi F, Briganti A; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Group. Eur Urol. 2020 Apr 5. pii: S0302-2838(20)30198-6. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.03.023.
- External validation of a postoperative nomogram for the prediction of disease-specific survival in patients with papillary renal cell carcinoma using a large multicenter database. Zastrow S, Krabbe LM, Wolff I, Capitanio U, Klatte T, Ecke T, Huck N, Borgmann H, Scavuzzo A, Cindolo L, Schips L, Surcel C, Mirvald C, Cabo AV, Musquera M, Hutterer G, Prochazkova K, Stief C, Wirth M, May M, Brookman-May S. Int J Clin Oncol. 2020 Jan;25(1):145-150. doi: 10.1007/s10147-019-01530-x. Epub 2019 Aug 30.
- Comparative assessment of docetaxel for safety and efficacy between hormone-sensitive and castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. Mager R, Savko O, Böhm K, Thomas A, Dotzauer R, Borgmann H, Jäger W, Thomas C, Haferkamp A, Höfner T, Tsaur I. Urol Oncol. 2019 Dec;37(12):999-1005. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2019.07.005. Epub 2019 Jul 31.
- Brandt MP, Lehnert T, Czilwik T, Borgmann H, Gruber-Rouh T, Thalhammer A, Adam EH, Thomas C, Bartsch G, Haferkamp A, Vogl TJ, Tsaur I. CT-guided nephrostomy-An expedient tool for complex clinical scenarios. Eur J Radiol. 2019 Jan;110:142-147.
- Marra G, Ploussard G, Ost P, De Visschere PJL, Briganti A, Gandaglia G, Tilki D, Surcel CI, Tsaur I, Van Den Bergh RCN, Kretschmer A, Borgmann H, Gontero P, Ahmed HU, Valerio M; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Focal therapy in localised prostate cancer: Real-world urological perspective explored in a cross-sectional European survey. Urol Oncol. 2018 Dec;36(12):529.e11-529.e22. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2018.08.013. Epub 2018 Oct 6.
- Thomas C, Brandt MP, Baldauf S, Tsaur I, Frees S, Borgmann H, Jäger W, Bartsch G, Schneider M, Dotzauer R, Neisius A, Haferkamp A. Docetaxel-rechallenge in castration-resistant prostate cancer: defining clinical factors for successful treatment response and improvement in overall survival. Int Urol Nephrol. 2018 Oct;50(10):1821-1827. doi: 10.1007/s11255-018-1963-1. Epub 2018 Aug 17.
- Dogan S, Hennig M, Frank T, Struck JP, Cebulla A, Salem J, Borgmann H, Klatte T, Merseburger AS, Kramer M, Hofbauer SL. Acceptance of Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer in Germany: A Survey of Current Practice. Urol Int. 2018 Mar 6. doi: 10.1159/000487405. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brandt MP, Gust KM, Mani J, Vallo S, Höfner T, Borgmann H, Tsaur I, Thomas C, Haferkamp A, Herrmann E, Bartsch G. Nationwide analysis on the impact of socioeconomic land use factors and incidence of urothelial carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiol. 2018 Feb;52:63-69.
- Wagener N, Edelmann D, Benner A, Zigeuner R, Borgmann H, Wolff I, Krabbe LM, Musquera M, Dell'Oglio P, Capitanio U, Klatte T, Cindolo L, May M, Brookman-May SD; European Association of Urology (EAU) Young Academic Urologists (YAU) Kidney Cancer Group. Outcome of papillary versus clear cell renal cell carcinoma varies significantly in non-metastatic disease. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 21;12(9):e0184173.
- Wolff I, Scavuzzo A, Capitanio U, Klatte T, Shariat SF, Wagener N, Zastrow S, Borgmann H, Krabbe LM, Hutterer G, May M, Brookman-May SD; Collaborative Research On Renal Neoplasms Association (CORONA) and the European Association of Urology (EAU) Young Academic Urologists (YAU) Kidney Cancer Group. Organ Preservation Is Less Frequently Performed in Women Surgically Treated for Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma-Results of a Comprehensive Multicenter Study. Urology. 2017 Nov;109:107-114.
- van den Bergh R, Gandaglia G, Tilki D, Borgmann H, Ost P, Surcel C, Valerio M, Sooriakumaran P, Salomon L, Briganti A, Graefen M, van der Poel H, de la Taille A, Montorsi F, Ploussard G; European Association of Urology Young Academic Urologists Working Party on Prostate Cancer (EAU-YAUWP). Trends in Radical Prostatectomy Risk Group Distribution in a European Multicenter Analysis of 28 572 Patients: Towards Tailored Treatment. Eur Urol Focus. 2017 Aug 8. pii: S2405-4569(17)30188-8.
- Dalal K, Che M, Que NS, Sharma A, Yang R, Lallous N, Borgmann H, Ozistanbullu D, Tse R, Ban F, Li H, Tam KJ, Roshan-Moniri M, LeBlanc E, Gleave ME, Gewirth DT, Dehm SM, Cherkasov A, Rennie PS. Bypassing Drug Resistance Mechanisms of Prostate Cancer with Small Molecules that Target Androgen Receptor-Chromatin Interactions. Mol Cancer Ther. 2017 Oct;16(10):2281-2291.
- Mager R, Brandt MP, Borgmann H, Gust KM, Haferkamp A, Kurosch M. From novice to expert: analyzing the learning curve for MRI-transrectal ultrasonography fusion-guided transrectal prostate biopsy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2017 Sep;49(9):1537-1544.
- Rosenbaum CM, Reiss CP, Borgmann H, Salem J, Fisch M, Huber J, Schmid M, Ahyai SA. Management of Anterior Urethral Strictures in Adults: A Survey of Contemporary Practice in Germany. Urol Int. 2017;99(1):43-50.
- May M, Surcel C, Capitanio U, Dell'Oglio P, Klatte T, Shariat S, Ecke T, Wolff I, Vergho D, Wagener N, Huck N, Pahernik S, Zastrow S, Wirth M, Borgmann H, Haferkamp A, Musquera M, Krabbe LM, Herrmann E, Scavuzzo A, Mirvald C, Hutterer G, Zigeuner R, Stief CG, Waidelich R, Cindolo L, Kalusova K, Brookman-May SD; Collaborative Research On Renal Neoplasms Association (CORONA) and European Association of Urology (EAU) Young Academic Urologists (YAU) Kidney Cancer Group. Prognostic and discriminative power of the 7th TNM classification for patients with surgically treated papillary renal cell carcinoma: results of a multi-institutional validation study (CORONA subtype project). Scand J Urol. 2017 Aug;51(4):269-276.
- Thomas C, van de Plas J, Tsaur I, Neisius A, Bartsch G, Frees S, Borgmann H, Jäger W, Brandt MP, Haferkamp A, Rubenwolf P. Incidence, risk factors and management of symptomatic lymphoceles after radical retropubic prostatectomy. Urology Practice 2017. Nov; 6:493-98.
- Makarević J, Tsaur I, Juengel E, Borgmann H, Nelson K, Thomas C, Bartsch G, Haferkamp A, Blaheta RA. Amygdalin delays cell cycle progression and blocks growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro. Life Sci. 2016 Feb 15;147:137-42.
- Kunath F, Borgmann H, Blümle A, Keck B, Wullich B, Schmucker C, Sikic D, Roelle C, Schmidt S, Wahba A, Meerpohl JJ. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists versus standard androgen suppression therapy for advanced prostate cancer A systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2015 Nov 13;5(11).
- Tsaur I, Biegel C, Gust K, Huesch T, Borgmann H, Brandt MP, Kurosch M, Reiter M, Bartsch G, Schilling D, Haferkamp A. Feasibility, complications and oncologic results of a limited inguinal lymph node dissection in the management of penile cancer. Int Braz J Urol. 2015 May-Jun;41(3):486-95.
- Tsaur I, Thurn K, Juengel E, Gust KM, Borgmann H, Mager R, Bartsch G, Oppermann E, Ackermann H, Nelson K, Haferkamp A, Blaheta RA. sE-cadherin serves as a diagnostic and predictive parameter in prostate cancer patients. J Exp Clin Canc Res. 2015 May 14;34:43.
- Tsaur I, Hudak L, Makarević J, Juengel E, Mani J, Borgmann H, Gust KM, Schilling D, Bartsch G, Nelson K, Haferkamp A, Blaheta RA. Intensified antineoplastic effect by combining an HDAC-inhibitor, an mTOR-inhibitor and low dosed interferon alpha in prostate cancer cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2015 Aug;19(8):1795-804.
- Mager R, Balzereit C, Reiter M, Gust K, Borgmann H, Hüsch T, Nagele U, Haferkamp A, Schilling D. Introducing a Novel In Vitro Model to Characterize Hydrodynamic Effects of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Systems. J Endourol. 2015 Aug;29(8):929-32.
- Tsaur I, Noack A, Makarevic J, Oppermann E, Waaga-Gasser AM, Gasser M, Borgmann H, Huesch T, Gust KM, Reiter M, Schilling D, Bartsch G, Haferkamp A, Blaheta RA. CCL2 Chemokine as a Potential Biomarker for Prostate Cancer: A Pilot Study. Cancer Res Treat. 2015 Apr;47(2):306-12.
- Tsaur I, Rutz J, Makarević J, Juengel E, Gust KM, Borgmann H, Schilling D, Nelson K, Haferkamp A, Bartsch G, Blaheta RA. CCL2 promotes integrin-mediated adhesion of prostate cancer cells in vitro. World J Urol. 2015 Jul;33(7):1051-6.
- Certified residency curriculum for the specialization training in urology from the German Society of Urology according to the 2018 Training Regulations (version of 20. September 2019). Michel MS, Himmler M, Necknig U, Kriegmair M, Speck T, Fichtner J, Steffens J, Borgmann H, Bolenz C, Tuellmann M, Ruppin S, Petersilie F, Rebmann U, König J, Westphal J, Goebell P, Leyh H, Borchers H.Urologe A. 2020 Dec;59(Suppl 2):135-140. doi: 10.1007/s00120-020-01367-7.
- External Validation of the 2019 Briganti Nomogram for the Identification of Prostate Cancer Patients Who Should Be Considered for an Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection. Gandaglia G, Martini A, Ploussard G, Fossati N, Stabile A, De Visschere P, Borgmann H, Heidegger I, Steinkohl F, Kretschmer A, Marra G, Mathieu R, Surcel C, Tilki D, Tsaur I, Valerio M, Den Bergh RV, Ost P, Gontero P, Montorsi F, Briganti A; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Group. Eur Urol. 2020 Apr 5. pii: S0302-2838(20)30198-6. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.03.023.
- Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. Kretschmer A, Ploussard G, Heidegger I, Tsaur I, Borgmann H, Surcel C, Mathieu R, de Visschere P, Valerio M, van den Bergh RCN, Marra G, Thibault C, Ost P, Gandaglia G, Tilki D; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Eur Urol Focus. 2020 Feb 20. pii: S2405-4569(20)30064-X. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2020.01.017.
- Hereditary prostate cancer - Primetime for genetic testing? Heidegger I, Tsaur I, Borgmann H, Surcel C, Kretschmer A, Mathieu R, Visschere P, Valerio M, van den Bergh RCN, Ost P, Tilki D, Gandaglia G, Ploussard G; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Cancer Treat Rev. 2019 Dec;81:101927. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2019.101927. Epub 2019 Nov 11.
- Concepts to improve the balance between clinical and scientific work-a thesis paper of the working group "Young Urologists" of the German Society of Urology. Ralla B, Leyh H, Steffens J, Burger M, Spachmann P, Borgmann H, Struck JP. Urologe A. 2019 Aug;58(8):933-937. doi: 10.1007/s00120-019-0996-0.
- Tsaur I, Heidegger I, Kretschmer A, Borgmann H, Gandaglia G, Briganti A, de Visschere P, Mathieu R, Valerio M, van den Bergh R, Ost P, Mirvald C, Tilki D, Ploussard G, Surcel C; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Aggressive variants of prostate cancer - Are we ready to apply specific treatment right now? Cancer Treat Rev. 2019 May;75:20-26. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2019.03.001. Epub 2019 Mar 11.
- Ploussard G, Gandaglia G, Borgmann H, de Visschere P, Heidegger I, Kretschmer A, Mathieu R, Surcel C, Tilki D, Tsaur I, Valerio M, van den Bergh R, Ost P, Briganti A; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Group. Salvage Lymph Node Dissection for Nodal Recurrent Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. Eur Urol. 2018 Oct 31.
- Tsaur I, Heidegger I, Kretschmer A, Borgmann H, Mirvald C, Gandaglia G, Briganti A, van den Bergh R, Tilki D, Ost P, Ploussard G, Surcel C; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Combining anticancer drugs with osteoprotective agents in prostate cancer-A contemporary update. Urol Oncol. 2018 Nov;36(11):488-497. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2018.08.016. Epub 2018 Sep 27
- Futterer JJ, Surcel C, van den Bergh R, Borgmann H, Briganti A, Gandaglia G, Kretschmer A, Ost P, Sooriakumaran P, Tilki D, Valerio M, Ploussard G, De Visschere PJL, Tsaur I; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Party. Imaging modalities in synchronous oligometastatic prostate cancer. World J Urol. 2018 Aug 1. doi: 10.1007/s00345-018-2416-2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Ploussard G, Borgmann H, Briganti A, de Visschere P, Fütterer JJ, Gandaglia G, Heidegger I, Kretschmer A, Mathieu R, Ost P, Sooriakumaran P, Surcel C, Tilki D, Tsaur I, Valerio M, van den Bergh R; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Group. Positive pre-biopsy MRI: are systematic biopsies still useful in addition to targeted biopsies? World J Urol. 2019 Feb;37(2):243-251. doi: 10.1007/s00345-018-2399-z. Epub 2018 Jul 2.
- Frees SK, Mager R, Borgmann H, Jäger W, Thomas C, Haferkamp A. Standard surgery for small renal masses (<4cm). Urologe A. 2018 Mar;57(3):280-284.
- Tsaur I, Borgmann H, Surcel CI, Ost P, Ploussard G. AR-V7 predicting treatment response in metastasized prostate cancer: has it peaked? World J Urol. 2018 Jan;36(1):149-151.
- Ralla B, Arnold H, König J, Cebulla A, Nestler T, Struck J, Borgmann H, Salem J. Relaunch of the GeSRU website : Strategy, concept, and realization. Urologe A. 2017 Apr;56(4):512-514.
- Özistanbullu D, Klümper N, Humke C, Salem J, Borgmann H, Miller K. „The Best for Urology" grant - first steps in a fascinating specialty. Urologe A. 2017 Mar;56(3):387-389.
- Schneidewind L, Borgmann H, Schmidt S. Comparison of self-administered survey questionnaire responses collected using mobile apps versus other methods. Urologe A. 2016 Dec;55(12):1608-1612.
- Nestler T, Borgmann H, Salem J. GeSRU-StepS! - urologic surgery teaching videos at the annual meeting of the German Society for Urology. Urologe A. 2016 Sep;55(9):1244-6.
- Struck J, Paffenholz P, Nachite S, Borgmann H, Salem J. Residents' schedule for the Congress of the German Society for Urology 2016. Urologe A. 2016 Aug;55(8):1099-101.
- Sanatgar N, Cebulla A, Ralla B, Nachite-Berges S, Hiess M, Paffenholz P, Borgmann H, Salem J. GeSRU 4 Students - the young talent program. Urologe A. 2016 May;55(5):668-70.
- Paffenholz P, Borgmann H, Nachite-Berges S, Borowitz R, Bründl J, Boehm K, Probst K, Schneidewind L, Schmid M, Salem J. Regional for Residents : GeSRU Programs at Regional Urology Meetings in Germany. Urologe A. 2016 Meyer CP, Salem J, Kluth LA, Sanatgar N, Borgmann H, Grange P, Chun FK. The GESRU Endo-Training - strategies for the optimization of endourological skills for residents. Urologe A. 2016 Feb;55(2):253-6.
- Morgenstern SC, Salem J, Paffenholz P, Borgmann H, Horsch R. Urological help under exceptional conditions : Doctors for Africa. Urologe A. 2015 Oct;54(10):1446-9.
- Kurosch M, Mager R, Gust K, Brandt M, Borgmann H, Haferkamp A. Therapy of overactive bladder (OAB). Urologe A. 2015 Apr;54(4):567-74; quiz 575-6.
- Kurosch M, Mager R, Gust K, Brandt M, Borgmann H, Haferkamp A. Diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB). Urologe A. 2015 Mar;54(3):421-7; quiz 428-9.
- Schmidt S, Kunath F, Kranz J, Zengerling F, Dräger DL, Kröger N, Krabbe LM, Miernik A, Borgmann H, Spek A, Meerpohl J, Dahm P, Wullich B. Overcoming the language barrier: UroEvidence translates Cochrane abstracts. Urologe A. 2015 Jan;54(1):76-7.
- Meyer C, Beyer B, Arnold H, Borgmann H, Salem J. GeSRU Residents Congress Calendar 2015: continuing education, networking, career planning. Urologe A. 2014 Dec;53(12):1817-9.
- Schneidewind L, Borgmann H, Bründl J, Salem J. Research fellowships and grants for young urologists. Urologe A. 2014 Oct;53(10):1533-4.
- Bründl J, Zengerling F, Borgmann H, Syring I. Prostate surgery within residency programs in urology. Urologe A. 2014 Mar;53(3):379-81.
- Kranz J, Kunath F, Borgmann H, Dräger DL, Krabbe LM, Kröger N, Otto W, Spek A, Zengerling F, Wullich B, Miernik A. "UroEvidence" - Centre for knowledge translation of the DGU (German Society of Urology). Summarizing, analysing and making current knowledge available. Urologe A. 2014 Jan;53(1):83-6.
- Miernik A, Borgmann H, Salem J, Bründl J. Challenges for the urology resident: focus urolithiasis. Urologe A. 2013 Nov;52(11):1590-3.