Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. habil. Roland Becker
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. habil. Roland Becker
Zentrum für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Endoprothesenzentrum West-Brandenburg
Ärztlicher Direktor
Universitätsklinikum Brandenburg an der Havel
Telefon: (03381) 41 19 00
Telefon: (03381) 41 19 00
Akademischer Werdegang
1995 | Promotion zum Dr. med. an der Orthopädischen Klinik der Otto-von Guericke Universität Magdeburg Thema: Der Einfluß von Naloxon auf nozizeptive Funktionen bei Patienten mit arthrotischen Erkrankungen |
2003 | Habilitation und Venia legendi für das Fach Orthopädie und Sporttraumatologie Thema: Meniskusverletzungen – Untersuchungen zur Meniskusnaht und Meniskusheilung |
2011 | 2011 Ernennung zum außerordentlichen Professor der „Otto-von Guericke Universität“ Magdeburg |
2016 | 2016 Ernennung zum ordentlichen Universitätsprofessor für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie an der Medizinischen Hochschule „Theodor Fontane“ Brandenburg Lehrverantwortlicher für das Modul Bewegung |
Beruflicher Werdegang
1986 - 1992 | Studium der Humanmedizin an der Medizinischen Akademie Magdeburg |
11/1992 - 01/1993 | Forschungstätigkeit an der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik der “Otto von Guericke” Universität Magdeburg |
02/1993 – 07/1993 | House Officer für Orthopädie und Traumatologie im General Infirmary-Teaching Hospital Leeds (England). |
08/1993 – 07/1994 | AiP und Assistenzarzt für Allgemeinchirurgie und Traumatologie des Kreiskrankenhaus Wolmirstedt |
08/1993 – 07/1994 | Senior House Officer für Orthopädie und Traumatologie im Burton District Hospital, Burton upon Trent (England) |
08/1995 – 08/1996 | Gynäkologische Radiologie (Prof. Dr. R. Schultz-Wendtland) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg |
09/1996 – 07/1998 | Assistenzarzt für Orthopädie im St. Claraspital Basel (Schweiz) |
07/1998 – 12/ 2001 | Facharzt der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
01/ 2002 | Oberarzt der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
09/2004 – 04/2005 |
Leitender Oberarzt an der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
seit 05/2005 | Chefarzt des Zentrums für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie des Städtischen Klinikum Brandenburg |
seit 01/2016 | Ärztlicher Direktor des Universitätsklinikum Brandenburg an der Havel |
seit 04/2016 | Klinikdirektor des Zentrums für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie des Klinikum Brandenburg, Hochschulklinikum der Medizinischen Hochschule Theodor Fontane |
seit 08/2020 | Klinikdirektor des Zentrums für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Universitätsklinikum Brandenburg an der Havel |
1996 | Zusatzbezeichnung „Chirotherapie“ |
1998 | Facharztanerkennung für Orthopädie |
2001 | Zusatzbezeichnung „Sportmedizin“ |
2002 | 2002 AGA-Instruktor |
2003 | Zusatzbezeichnung „Rheumatologie“ |
2003 | 2003 Zusatzbezeichnung „Spezielle Orthopädische Chirurgie“ |
2005 | 2005 Zusatzbezeichnung „Physikalische Therapie“ |
2006 | 2006 Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie |
2014 | ESSKA Instruktor |
02/1993 – 07/1993 | House Officer für Orthopädie und Traumatologie im General Infirmary-Teaching Hospital Leeds (England) |
08/1994 – 07/1995 | Senior-House-Officer für Orthopädie und Traumatologie Burton District Hospital, Burton upon Trent (England) |
08/1995 – 08/1996 | Assistenzarzt für Orthopädie im St. Claraspital Basel (Schweiz) |
09/2001 – 12/2001 | Fellowship in Pittsburgh und Boston (USA) Prof. F.Fu, Dr. JP Warner |
11/2006 | Fellowship in San Antonio (USA) Dr. Steven Burkhardt |
Klinischer Schwerpunkt
Konservative und operative Behandlung von Kniegelenkserkrankungen:
- Meniskus: Meniskusnaht, Meniskustransplantation
- Knorpel: osteochondralerTransfer, Knorpelzelltransplantation
- Beindeformitäten: öffnende und schließende Korrekturen an Ober- und Unterschenkel
- Bänder: vordere und hintere Kreuzbandplastik, Seitenbandplastik
- Kniescheibe: Stabilisierungseingriffe besonders bei Instabilitäten
- Arthrose: Endoprothetik einschließlich Teilprothesen im Bereich der Kniescheibe, Ober- und Unterschenke
Endoprothetik des Hüftgelenkes und Schultergelenkes
[1] Becker R: Franz Scheede- Unermüdlicher Wegbereiter der Orthopädie Orthopädische Nachrichten, Oktober 1998
[2] Becker R, Röpke M, Nebelung M.(1999) Klinische Ergebnisse nach arthroskopischer hinterer Kreuzbandplastik. Der Unfallchirurg, 102(5):354-8
[3] Becker R, Schröder M, Röpke M, Stärke Ch, Nebelung W (1999): Structural properties of sutures used in anchoring multistranded hamstrings in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - A biomechanical study. Arthroscopy and Related Research, 15(3):297-300
[4] Becker R, Urbach D, Graßhoff W, Neumann W.:(1999) Structural bone grafting in arthroplasty for congenital hip dysplasia: 35 hips followed for 5-10 years. Acta Orthop. Scandinavia 70(5): 425-429
[5] Becker R, Hutchinson J, Wallace M (1999): A comparison of the femoral cementing technique with and without a catheter in total hip arthroplasty – Experimental study to investigate the remaining blood distribution.
J Bone Joint Surg. Br.81:Suppl 1
[6] Becker R, Schröder M, Röpke M, Stärke Ch, Nebelung W (2000) Mechanische Eigenschaften von Fadenmaterialien zur Verankerung von Kreuzbandtransplantaten. Der Unfallchirurg, 103(5):375-9
[7] Becker R, Schröder M, Stärke Ch, Urbach D, Nebelung W (2001) Biomechanical investigations of different meniscal repair implants in comparison to horizontal sutures on human meniscus. Arthroscopy and Related Research, 17 (5): 439-444
[8] Becker R, Stärke Ch, Schröder M, Nebelung W (2000) Biomechanische Eigenschaften tibialer Fixationsverfahren von Hamstring-Transplantaten zur Kreuzbandrekonstruktion. Zeitschrift für Arthroskopie, 13, 314 –317
[9] Becker R, Awiszus F (2001) Physiological alteration of maximal voluntary activation by changes of knee joint angle. Muscle &Nerve, 24(5): 667-72, 2001
[10] Becker R, Schröder M, Stärke Ch, Voigt D, Nebelung W (2001) Cross-pin fixation of quadruple grafts in ACL-reconstruction compared to interference screw fixation–A biomechanical study: Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 9:337-342
[11] Becker R, Machner A, Pap G, Neumann HW (2002) Strength and motion analysis after hemiarthroplasty in displaced four fragment fracture of the proximal humerus. Acta Orthop. Scandinavia 73: 44-49
[12] Becker R, Röpke M, Nebelung W.(2002) Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - graft options and fixation techniques. Zentralbl. Chir. 127:842-849
[13] Becker R, Stärke Ch, Heymann M, Nebelung W (2002): Biomechanical properties under cyclic loading of seven meniscus repair techniques. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 400: 236-245
[14] Becker R, Pufe T, Giessmann N, Kulow S, Mentlein R, Petersen W (2002) Die Rolle des Angiogenesefaktors VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) bei der Heilung von Meniskusläsionen. Arthroskopie 15: 190–195
[15] Becker R, Stärke Ch, Heymann M, Röpke M, Nebelung W. (2003) Statische und dynamische in-vitro Messungen verschiedener Meniskusnahttechniken.
Orthopädische Praxis 39, 3; 209-215
[16] Becker R, Berth A, Nehring M, Awiszus F. (2004): Neuromuscular quadriceps dysfunction prior to osteoarthritis of the knee. J Orthop Res. Jul; 22(4):768-773
[17] Becker R, Pufe T, Kulow S, Giessmann N, Neumann W, Mentlein R, Petersen W. (2004) Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor during healing of the meniscus in a rabbit model. J Bone Joint Surg.Br. 86:1082-1087
[18] Becker R, John M, Neumann W.H.: (2004) Clinical outcomes in the revision of unicondylar arthroplasties to bicondylar arthroplasties. A matched-pair study. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Oct 23
[19] Becker R, Brettschneider O, Gröbel KH, von Versen R, Stärke Ch. (2006) Distraction forces on repaired bucket handle lesion in the medial meniscus. Am J Sports Med. 34(12): 1941-1947
[20] Becker R, Röpke M, Krull A, Musahl V, Nebelung W.(2008) Surgical treatment of isolated patellofermoral osteoarthritis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 466(2): 443-449
[21] Becker R, Fink C (2008) Epidemiologie und Konsequenz von Meniskusverletzungen. Zeitschrift für Arthroskopie, 21(4), 225
[22] Becker R, Andresen K: (2008) Tipps und Tricks der MeniskusrefixationZeitschrift für Arthroskopie, 21(4), 235-238
[23] Becker R, Erggelett Ch. (2009) Chondrale und Osteochondrale Läsionen am Kniegelenk. Orthopädische Praxis 12
[24] Becker R. (2010), Total knee arthroplasty 2010. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Jul;18(7):851-852
[25] Becker R. (2011): Total knee arthroplasty – What do we know and what don`t. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 19(7):1051-1052
[26] Becker R, Bonnin M, Hofmann S. (2011) The painful knee after total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 19(9): 1409-1410, 2011
[27] Becker R, Döring C, Denecke A, Brosz M. (2011) Expectation, satisfaction and clinical outcome of patients after total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 19(9): 1433-1441
[28] Becker R, Malzdorf M, Stärke Ch, Randolf P, Lohmann C. (2012) No difference between tibia first and femur first technique in TKA using computer assisted surgery. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 20:10, 2011-6
[29] Becker R, Mauer Chr, Stärke Chr, Brosz M, Zantop Th, Lohmann Ch, Schulze M. (2012) Anteroposterior and rotational stability in fixed and mobile bearing unicondylar knee arthroplasty: a cadaveric study using the robotic force sensor system. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 21(11):2427-32.
[30] Becker R, Argenson JN. (2013) Unicondylar knee arthroplasty: what’s new? Knee Surg., Sports Traumatol, Arthrosc 21 (11), 2419-2420, 2013
[31] Becker R. (2014) Posterolaterale Rekonstruktion des Kniegelenks. Arthroskopie 27 (3), 208-212
[32] Becker R, Hirschmann MT, Karlsson J. (2014) Does Implant Design and Surgical Technique Improve the Clinical Outcome in Total Knee Arthroplasty? Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthrosc 22(8), 1716-1718
[33] Becker R, Tandogan RN, and Karlsson J (2015) Clinical outcome after total knee replacement. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 3(6):1575-1577
[34] Becker R, Clauss M, Rotigliano N, et al. (2016) Periprosthetic Joint Infection Treatment in Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics
[35] Becker R, Paech C, Denecke A. (2017) Fixed bearing unicondylar arthroplasty in medial osteoarthritis of the knee. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 29(1):4-16.
[36] Becker R, Hirschmann MT, Karlsson J. (2017) The role of ligament tension and sensomotoric system in total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 25(6):1663-1665.
[37] Becker R, Hirschmann M. (2017) The pertinent question in treatment of unicompartmental osteoarthritis of the knee: high tibial osteotomy or unicondylar knee arthroplasty or total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 25(3):637-638.
[38] Becker R, Seil Romain, Kopf S (2017): Meniskustherapie heute. Der Orthopäde DOI:10.1007/s00132-017
[39] Becker R, Kopf S (2017): Unikondyläre Prothese und vordere Kreuzbandplastik. Arthroskopie DOI 10.1007/s00142-017-0157-7
[40] Becker R, Karlsson J (2018) The role of muscle function after anterior cruciate ligament rupture and treatment 26(2):355-357
[41] Becker R, Hirschmann MT, Karlsson J. (2018) The complexity of patellofemoral instability. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(3):675-676.
[42] Becker R, Karlsson J. (2018) The role of muscle function after anterior cruciate ligament rupture and treatment. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(2):355-357
[43] Becker R, Bäker K, Hommel H, Bernard M, Kopf S: (2019) No correlation between rotation of femoral components in the transverse plane and clinical outcome after total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 27:1456-1462
[44] Becker R, Kopf S, Seil R, Hirschmann MT, Beaufils P, and Karlsson J (2020) From meniscal resection to meniscal repair: a journey of the last decade. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany 28(11):3401-3404.
[45] Nebelung W, Kayser R., Röpke M., Urbach D, Becker R. (2000): Das autologe laterale Patellatransplantat als Reserveverfahren zur Versorgung großer osteochondraler Defekte des Kniegelenkes bei jungen Erwachsenen. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 125 (6), 505-508
[46] Nebelung W, Röpke M, Urbach D, Becker R. (2001) A New Technique of Arthroscopic Capsular Shift in Anterior Shoulder Instability. Technical Note. Arthroscopy and Related Research 17(4), 426-429
[47] Stärke C, Bochwitz C, Groebel KH, Unterhauser F, Becker R. (2004) The effect of meniscus compression on the biomechanical properties of repaired meniscal lesions. Arch.Orthop.Trauma Surg. 124: 221-225
[48] Gorschewsky O; Klakow A, Richert K, Klakow A, Becker R. (2005) Clinical comparison of the Tutoplast allograft and autologous patellar tendon (bone-patellar tendon-bone) for the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament: 2- and 6-year results. Am J Sports Med. 33(8):1202-9
[48] Gorschewsky O; Puetz A, Riechert K, Klakow A, Becker R (2005): Quantitative
analysis of biochemical characteristics of bone-patellar tendon-bone allografts.
Biomed Mater Eng.15(6):403-411
[49] Birr R, Becker R: Arthroskopische Osteosynthese des Radiusköpfchens (2006)
Zeitschrift für Arthroskopie 19(4), 304-307
[50] Petersen W, Pufe T, Stärke Ch, Fuchs T, Kopf S, Neumann W, Zantop T, Paletta J, Raschke M, Becker R. (2007): The effect of locally applied vascular endothelial growth factor on meniscus healing: gross and histological findings. Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg; 127(4); 235-240
[51] Stärke Ch, Kopf S, Petersen W, Becker R. (2009). Meniscus repair – a current concepts review. Arthroscopy and Related Research 25(9); 1033-1044
[52] Kopf S, Stärke Ch, Becker R. (2009). Transphysärer VKB-Ersatz bei offenen Wachstumsfugen. Zeitschrift für Arthroskopie 22(1); 45-50
[53] Stärke Ch, Brettschneider O, Gröbel KH, Becker R. (2009): Tensile forces on sutures in the human lateral meniscus. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthros, 17(11):1354-1359
[54] Stärke Ch, Möhwald A, Gröbel KH, Bochwitz C, Becker R: ACL graft migration under cyclic loading Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 18(8):1065-1070
[55] Stärke Ch, Kopf S, Gröbel KH, Becker R: (2009) Tensile forces at the porcine anterior meniscal horn attachment. J Orthop Res. 27(12): 1619-1624
[56] Stärke Ch, Kopf S, Gröbel KH, Becker R: (2010) The effect of non-anatomic repair of the meniscal horn attachment. Arthroscopy 26(3), 358-362
[57] Kopf S, Schenkengel JP, Wieners G, Stärke Ch, Becker R: No bone tunnel enlargement in patients with open growth plates after transepiphyseal ACL reconstruction. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 18(11): 1445-51, 2010
[58] Tinius M, Hepp P, Becker R. (2011): Combined unicopartmental knee arthroplasty and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. Epub ahead of print - PMID: 2155984
[59] Kopf S, Kauert R, Halfpaap J, Jung T, Becker R. (2012): A new quantitative method for pivot shift grading. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 20(4) 718-723
[60] Musahl V, Scheffler S, Becker R. (2012) Klinischer Einsatz von Allografts in der Bandchirurgie am Kniegelenk. Arthroskopie 25(1), 7-12
[61] Verdonk P, Becker R. (2012) Klinische Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen bei der Verwendung von Meniskusallografts Arthroskopie 25(1), 13-18
[62.] Scheffler S, Becker R. (2012): Allografts in Der Sportorthopädie." Arthroskopie 25 (1)
[63] Döring B, Becker R: (2013) Meniskusnahttechniken in Abhängigkeit von Rissform und –lokalisation Orthopädische Nachrichten 77(29), 603-617
[64] Stärke Ch, Kopf S, Lippisch R, Lohmann C, Becker R. (2013): Tensils force in repaired medial meniscus root tears. Arthroscopy and Related Research 29(2): 205-212
[65] Thienpont E, Becker R. (2014): Anthropometric Measurements of the Knee: Time to make it fit. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 22(12), 2889-2890,
[66] Seil R, Becker R:. (2016) Time for a paradigm change in meniscal repair: save the meniscus! Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 2016 May;24(5):1421-1423,
[67] Döring B, Becker R. (2017). Arthroskopisch gestützte TibiakopfosteosyntheseGrundlagen und Fallvorstellung. Arthroskopie Febr.
[68] Kopf S, Musahl V, Perka C, Kauert R, Hoburg A, Becker R (2017).The influence of applied internal and external rotation on the pivot shift phenomenon. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 25(4):1106-1110.
[69] Hirschmann MT, Karlsson J, Becker R. (2018) Hot topic: alignment in total knee arthroplasty-systematic versus more individualised alignment strategies.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(6):1587-1588.
[70] Kayaalp ME, Keller T, Fitz, W, Scuderi GR, Becker R. (2019) Translation and Validation of the German New Knee Society Scoring System. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 477:383-393
[71] Hirschmann MT, Karlsson J, Becker R. (2018) Hot topic: alignment in total knee arthroplasty-systematic versus more individualised alignment strategies. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(6):1587-1588
[72] Kayaalp ME, Agres AN, Reichmann J, Bashkuev M, Duda GN, and Becker R (2019) Validation of a Novel Device for the Knee Monitoring of Orthopaedic Patients. Sensors (Basel) Switzerland 19
[73] Kayaalp ME, and Becker R (2019) Reply to the Letter to the Editor: Translation and Validation of the German New Knee Society Scoring System. Clin Orthop Relat Res 477:2613-2614
[74] Bernard M, Pappas E, Georgoulis A, Haschemi A, Scheffler S, and Becker R (2020) Risk of overconstraining femorotibial rotation after anatomical ACL reconstruction using bone patella tendon bone autograft. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Germany 40(12):2013-2020
[75] Andrä K, Kayaalp E, Prill R, Irlenbusch L, Liesaus E, Trommer T, Ullmann P, and Becker R (2021) Joint effusion, anteroposterior stability, muscle strength and degree of patellofemoral osteoarthritis significantly impact outcome following revision ACL reconstruction. J Exp Orthop Germany 8:70
[76] Anetzberger H, Reppenhagen S, Eickhoff H, Seibert FJ, Döring B, Haasters F, Mohr M, and Becker R (2021) Ten hours of simulator training in arthroscopy are insufficient to reach the target level based on the Diagnostic Arthroscopic Skill Score. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany
[77] Kayaalp ME, Cirdi YU, Kopf S, and Becker R (2021) Prone-positioned knee arthroscopy for isolated retropatellar cartilage defects with gel-type autologous chondrocyte implantation. Oper Orthop Traumatol Germany
Co- Autorschaft
[78] Nebelung W, Becker R, Merkel M, Röpke M. (1999) Bone tunnel enlargement after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with semitendinosus tendon using Endobutton fixation on the femoral side. Arthroscopy, 14(8), 810-815;
[79] Urbach D, Nebelung W, Becker R, Awiszus F.(2000) Bilateraler Funktionsverlust der Quadrizepsmuskulatur nach einseitiger Kreuzbandruptur mit Begleitverletzung durch zentrales Aktivierungsdefizit. Der Unfallchirurg 103 (11),949-955
[80] Röpke M, Becker R, Urbach D, Nebelung W. (2001) Semitendinosus versus Ligamentum patellae – Klinische Ergebnisse einer matched pair Studie nach vorderer Kreuzbandplastik. Der Unfallchirurg 104(4):312-316
[81] Urbach D, Nebelung W, Becker R, Awiszus F. (2001) Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with semitendinosus tendon: Improvement of voluntary quadriceps muscle activation, persistence of true quadriceps muscle weakness. A two years prospective, matched pairs study. J Bone Joint Surg. Br. 83:1104-1110
[82] Wirz D, Becker R, Li S F, Friederich N F, Müller, W:. (2002) Validation of the Tekscan system for statistic and dynamic pressure measurements of the human femorotibial joint. Biomed.Tech. (Berl). 47:195-201
[83] Berth A, Urbach D, Becker R, and Awiszus F. (2002) Gait anlysis in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee before and after total knee replacement. Zentralbl. Chir. 127:868-872
[84] Nebelung W, Becker R, Urbach R, Röpke M, Roessner A. (2003) Histological findings of tendon-bone healing following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring grafts. Arch. Orthop.Trauma Surg. 123: 158-163
[85] Mariani PP, Becker R, Rihn J, Margheritini F. (2003): Surgical treatment of posterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner injuries. An anatomical, biomechanical and clinical review. Knee. 10(4):311-324
[86] Petersen W, Pufe T, Stärke Ch, Fuchs T, Kopf S, Raschke M, Becker R,
Tillmann B. (2005) Locally applied angiogenic factors -a new therapeutic tool for meniscal repair. Ann. Anat. 187(5-6), 509-519
[87] Röpke M, Becker R. Nebelung W. (2006): Arthroskopische Ellenbogenarthrolyse Zeitschrift für Arthroskopie 19(4), 320-325
[88] Piatek S; Westphal T; Holmenschlager F; Becker R; Winckler S (2007) Retrograde cement removal in periprosthetic fractures following hip arthroplasty
Arch. Orthop.Trauma Surg. 127(7); 581-585
[89] Katthagen BD; Scheffler S, Becker R, Mayr H, Pruß A. (2008) Gewinnung, Prozessierung und Transplantation allogener muskuloskelettaler Gewebe. Transfusion Medicine and Haemotherapy 35: 438-445
[90] Kopf S; Birkenfeld F, Becker R, Petersen W, Stärke C, Wruck CJ, Tohidnezhad M, Varoga D, Pufe Th. (2010)
Local treatment of Meniscal Lesions with vascular endothelial growth factor: A study in sheep. J Bone Joint Surg.Am 17;92(16):2682-2691
[91] Musahl V, Becker R, Fu F, Karlsson J. (2011) New trends in ACL research. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc Suppl.1:1-3
[92] Musahl, V, Kopf S, Rabuck S, Becker R, Van der Merwe W, Zaffagnini S, Fu Fh, J Karlsson (2012) Rotatory knee laxity tests and the pivot shift as tools for ACL treatment algorithm. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 20(4), 793-800
[93] Musahl, V, Yuichi Hoshino, Becker R, Karlsson J. (2012) Rotatory knee laxity and the pivot shift. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 20(4), 601-602
[94] Brucker, PU, Feucht MJ, Becker R, Hinterwimmer S, Holsten D, and Imhoff AB. (2013) Intraoperative Biologische Augmentation Am Meniskus. Arthroskopie 26, 105-113
[95] Musahl V, Zaffagnini S, Becker R, Karlsson J. (2014) Should peripheral structures be addressed in ACL reconstruction? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 22(9):1964-1965
[96] Beaufils P, Becker R, Verdonk R, Aagaard H, Karlsson J.(2015) Focusing on results after meniscus surgery. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 23(1):3-7.
[97] Röpke E, Kopf S, Drange St, Becker R, Lohmann Ch, Stärke Ch. (2015) Biomechanical Evaluation of Meniscal Root Repair: A Porcine Study. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthroscopy 23(1):45-50
[98] Śmigielski R, Becker R, Zdanowicz U, Ciszek B. (2015) Medial meniscus anatomy-from basic science to treatment Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc 20(4), 23:8-14
[99] Karlsson J1, Hirschmann MT, Becker R, Musahl V. (2015): Individualized ACL surgery.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Aug;23(8):2143-2144
[100] Stärke Ch, Winkelmann U, Glüge S, Becker R, Lohmann CH, Winkelmann U. (2016) Interference screw fixation of free tendon grafts: significant time-dependent decrease of the initial contact forces Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 24(7): 2353-2358
[101] Beaufils P, Becker R, Kopf S, Matthieu O, Pujol N.(2017) The knee meniscus: management of traumatic tears and degenerative lesions. EFORT Open Rev. 11;2(5):195-203
[102] Beaufils P, Becker R, Kopf S, Englund M, Verdonk R, Ollivier M, Seil R. (2017) Surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions: the 2016 ESSKA meniscus consensus. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 25(2):335-346.
[103] Seil R, Karlsson J, Beaufils P, Becker R, Kopf S, Ollivier M, Denti M. (2017) The difficult balance between scientific evidence and clinical practice: the 2016 ESSKA meniscus consensus on the surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 25(2):333-334.
[104] Siebert CH, Becker R, Buchner M, Förster J, Frosch KH, Losch A, Niemeyer P, Scheffler S (2017). S2k-Guideline on Meniscus Diseases: from Aetiology to Scoring. Z Orthop Unfall. 155(2):165-168.
[105] Salzmann, M, Fenneman, P, Becker R, Hommel H.(2017) Does Postopertive Mechanical Axis Alignment Have an Effect on Clinical Outcome of Primary Total Knee Arthropalsty? A Retriospective Cohort Study. The Open Orthopaedics Journal 11, 3-00
[106] Siebert CH, Becker R, Buchner M, Förster J, Frosch KH. Losch A, Niemeyer P, Scheffler S. (2018) Sk2-Guideline on Meniscal Disease: Non-operative and Surgical Management. Z Orthop Unfall 156(3):324-329
[107] Hoburg A, Leitsch JM, Diederichs G, Lehnigk R, Perka C, Becker R, Scheffler S. (2018) Treatment of osteochondral defects with a combination of bone grafting and AMIC technique. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 138(8):1117-1126.
[108] Ahmad SS, Hirschmann MT, Becker R, Shaker A, Ateschrang A, Keel MJB, Albers CE, Buetikofer L, Maqungo S, Stöckle U, Kohl S.(2018) A meta-analysis of synovial biomarkers in periprosthetic joint infection: Synovasure™ is less effective than the ELISA-based alpha-defensin test. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(10):3039-3047
[109] Ecke A, Lutter AH, Scholka J, Hansch A, Becker R, and Anderer U (2019) Tissue Specific Differentiation of Human Chondrocytes Depends on Cell Microenvironment and Serum Selection. Cells 8
[110] Flies A, Scheibel M, Kraus N, Kruppa P, Provencher MT, Becker R, and Kopf S (2019) Isolated gracilis tendon harvesting is not associated with loss of strength and maintains good functional outcome. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany 28:637-644
[111] Hirschmann MT, Becker R, Tandogan R, Vendittoli PA, and Howell S (2019) Alignment in TKA: what has been clear is not anymore! Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany 27(7):2037-2039
[112] Hirschmann MT, Friederich NF, Becker R, and Karlsson J (2019) Personalised medicine in knee arthroplasty: we need more science! Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 27(5):1357-1358
[113] Phillips JRA, Toms AD, Becker R, and Hirschmann MT (2019) Am I the right surgeon, in the right hospital, with the right equipment and staff to do this operation? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 27:1009-1010
[114] Saffarini M, Nover L, Tandogan R, Becker R, Moser LB, Hirschmann MT, and Indelli PF (2019) The original Akagi line is the most reliable: a systematic review of landmarks for rotational alignment of the tibial component in TKA. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 27:1018-1027
[115] Flies A, Denecke T, Kraus N, Kruppa P, Provencher MT, Becker R, and Kopf S (2020) Tendon regeneration and muscle hypotrophy after isolated Gracilis tendon harvesting - a pilot study. J Exp Orthop Germany 7:19
[116] Hommel H, Becker R, Fennema P, and Kopf S (2020) The fate of Baker's cysts at mid-term follow-up after total knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint J England 102-B:132-136.
[117] Kruppa P, Flies A, Wulsten D, Collette R, Duda GN, Schaser KD, Becker R, and Kopf S (2020) Significant Loss of ACL Graft Force With Tibial-Sided Soft Tissue Interference Screw Fixation Over 24 Hours: A Biomechanical Study. Orthop J Sports Med United States 8:2325967120916437
[118] Lind M, Seil R, Dejour D, Becker R, Menetrey J, and Ross M (2020) Creation of a specialist core curriculum for the European Society for Sports traumatology, Knee surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA). Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany 28:3066-3079
[119] Longo UG, Candela V, Pirato F, Hirschmann MT, Becker R, and Denaro V (2020) Midflexion instability in total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany
[120] Anetzberger H, Becker R, Eickhoff H, Seibert FJ, Döring B, Haasters F, Mohr M, and Reppenhagen S (2021) The Diagnostic Arthroscopy Skill Score (DASS): a reliable and suitable assessment tool for arthroscopic skill training. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany doi: 10.1007/s00167-021-06554-3.
[121] Beaufils P, Seil R, Becker R, Karlsson J, and Menetrey J (2021) The orthopaedic community does not oppose the non-surgical treatment of degenerative meniscal lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Germany 2: 329-332.
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[5] Becker R: Valutazione postoperatoria. In Il legamento crociato posteriore
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[8] Becker R, Stärke Ch, Patellofemoral disorders
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[9] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Kopf S/ Stärke Ch / Becker R: Impingement after total knee replacement
[10] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Lustig S/Magnusson H/Duthon/Serverien E/Becker R/ Hirschmann M/Demey: Medical History and Clinical Examination
[11] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Walmsley/Hirschmann M/Becker R: Pain after TKA When is a conservative treatment beneficial
[12] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Gokeler A/Becker R/Hirschmann M/Arnold M: Physial Therapy for persistent pain after total knee replacement
[13] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R: Intraoperative Landmarks in Revision Surgery
[14] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Kopf S/Becker R/Stärke Ch: Arthroscopic Treatment of Patellofemoral soft tissue Impingement after Total knee replacement
[15] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R: A practival approach to biopsy joint aspiration and diagnostic arthroscopy
[16] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R: Treatment of Instability after total knee replacement
[17] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Pagenstert G/ Barg / Becker R: Analysis and treatment of anterior knee pain after total knee replacement
[18] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R: Peristent anterior knee pain after total knee replacement
[19] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R / Hirschmann M: Constrained condylar total knee replacement
[20] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R/ Hirschmann M: Osteotomy of the tibial tubercle in total knee replacement revision surgery
[21] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Christen / Baldini A / Becker R: Extensor Apparatus Insufficiencies
[22] The unhappy total knee arthroplasty
Becker R: Two stage revision total knee replacement and significant femoral bone loss
[23] Hantes M, Raoulis, Becker R: Meniscus lesions: traumatic (stable knee unstable knee), degenerative, congenital
In: Meniscus Surgery, Springer 2016,
[24] Hulet Chr. Becker R.: Meniscus cysts
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ESSKA Instructional course lecture book – Amsterdam 2014
[2] Becker R, Schaller Chr: Meniskuschirurgie, Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
Publiziert 2015
[3] Hirschmann M, Becker R: Revision Total knee arthroplasty, Springer Verlag
Publiziert 2015
[4] Becker R, Kerkhoff G, Gelber P, Denti M, Seil R: ESSKA Instructional course lecture book – Barcelona 2016
[5] Becker R, Hirschmann M, Kort N: Basic Knee arthroplasty, Springer Verlag
Publikation 2021